Celebrating John Esaki
/ Visual Communications
We would like to congratulate John Esaki on his recent retirement from the Japanese American National Museum. Though these images cannot express the full extent of John’s contributions to our communities, we share with you moments and memories throughout the years.
Thank you John (and Amy Kato) for your work in building up Visual Communications.
Memories and Moments of John Esaki

1987 — John Esaki working with Joanne Ishimine in the Visual Communications office in Little Tokyo.
Photographed by Abraham Ferrer,
Visual Communications Collection

1987 — A panel of actors and artists speak at the 2nd Annual Asian Pacific American International Film Festival.
Photographed by Abraham Ferrer,
Visual Communications Collection

1988 — John Esaki and Amy Kato at the Visual Communications Chili Cook-off, Chilivisions.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

The Visual Communications Lack-A-Tones performs. John Esaki plays the guitar.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

John Esaki writes notes about the board of directors and administration during a staff meeting in the Visual Communications office.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

John Esaki writes notes about programs during a staff meeting in the Visual Communications office.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

John Esaki sits at his desk in the Visual Communications office.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

John Esaki is surprised by the camera while he types on a computer.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

1994 — The Visual Communications staff on 1994 staff retreat in Idyllwild, CA.
Photographed by Donna Hokoda,
Visual Communications Collection

1995 — John Esaki helps moderate the artist panel at the 1995 Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival.
Photographed by Abraham Ferrer,
Visual Communications Collection

1995 — John Esaki posing with Emily Liu, Adam Chin, and John Votz for a group photo after a Q&A at the 1995 Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival.
Photographed by Abraham Ferrer,
Visual Communications Collection

1998 — At the Directors Guild of America, then Visual Communications program Director John Esaki welcomes to Festival Week 1998 (from left): Edwin Kwoh, the Hon. Judge Delbert Wong, East West Players co-founder Beulah Quo, and City of Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Dept. General Manager Adolfo Nadal.
Photographed by Alan Aseniero,
Visual Communications Collection

1998 — VC staffers John Esaki and Abraham Ferrer speaking with Oscar-award winner Chris Tashima at the 1998 Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival Feature Workshop Day.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

1998 — VC Summer Interns engaged in a meeting with the National Coalition for Redress and Reparations.
Photographed by Yvonne Liu,
Visual Communications Collection

1999 — VC staffers and stakeholders planning for the VC 2000 30th Anniversary Membership Campaign at the VC office in Little Tokyo, CA.
Photographed by Abraham Ferrer,
Visual Communications Collection

1999 — John Esaki holding a tray of chili samples being judged as part of the Chilivisions XIII cookoff.
Photographed by Jell Liu,
Visual Communications Collection

1986 — Multi-Cultural March on Apartheid and Rally at Leimert Park in the Crenshaw District of Los Angeles (Calif.).
Photographed by Abraham Ferrer,
Visual Communications Collection

1987 — Visual Communications folks crushing aluminum cans.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

1986 — Visual Communications’ “Z-Zooms” softball team for the Asian Pacific Unity League Tournament.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

2003 — Visual Communications staffers John Esaki and Amy Kato get married in 2003.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

Central Avenue - Production activities of Visual Communications [Los Angeles], the nation's premier Asian Pacific American media arts organization.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
"Hito Hata Film" Collection

2002 — Manzanar Shoot - Production activities of Visual Communications [Los Angeles], the nation's premier Asian Pacific American media arts organization.
Photographed by Jeff Liu,
"Stand Up For Justice" Collection

2002 — Matsuoka House Shoot - Production activities of Visual Communications [Los Angeles], the nation's premier Asian Pacific American media arts organization.
Photographed by Jeff Liu,
"Stand Up For Justice" Collection

2002 — The Stand Up for Justice actors and production team at the Manzanar barracks shoot.
Photographed by Jeff Liu,
"Stand Up For Justice" Collection

1985 — Visual Communications staffer John Esaki (far left) and home video production instructor Takashi Fujii (near left) welcome a donor and his family to check out video equipment. The Friends of Visual Communications was VC’s first-ever membership initiative, and helped support VC through lean times during the early-to-mid 1980s.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

1986 — John Esaki and Amy Kato in a school with drawings for Asian American Heritage Week in 1986.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

John Esaki and Amy Kato sit at a restaurant table with other VC staffers and community members.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

The Visual Communications’ softball team, the Z-Zooms, poses with their bats and trophy.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

1999 — John Esaki, Gabriel Cubos, June Hibino, Takashi Fujii, and Douglas Aihara socializing at Chilivisions XIII cookoff.
Photographed by Jeff Liu,
Visual Communications Collection

2003 — John Esaki and Amy Kato honoring Linda Mabalot during the 2003 PAST//FORWARD event, celebrating VC’s past, present, and future by (re)connecting with people and communities who made great things happen.
Photographed by Abraham Ferrer,
Visual Communications Collection

John Esaki staffing the Merch Booth at the Inaugural 1983 Asian American International Film Festival.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

John Esaki wears large, costume sunglasses and looks at the camera.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

John Esaki holds up an inflatable penguin for the camera.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

John Esaki holds an inflatable penguin, and the two look away from the camera together.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

John Esaki and an inflatable penguin look into the distance together.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

1985 — Members of the Visual Communications staff hold up a cake, throw confetti, and blow party-blowers to celebrate 15 years of VC.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

1985 — John Esaki and Amy Kato eat cake to celebrate the 15 year anniversary of Visual Communications.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

John Esaki and Kaz Takeuchi planning camera set-up for VC production.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

Amy Kato wears a cowboy hat and holds onto John Esaki.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

Amy Kato points and laughs at John Esaki as he wears a cowboy hat and poses for the camera.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

John Esaki works with a strip of film negatives.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

John Esaki poses for a headshot.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

John Esaki holds up a camera in the Visual Communications office.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

John Esaki holds up the book “Turning the Tables on Las Vegas” while sitting in a car.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection

John Esaki films the photographer during an event.
Photographed by Visual Communications,
Visual Communications Collection